Sunday 11 May 2014

Blog your heart out

I have been nominated by Jill Pryor to take part in the blog you heart out challenge. this is a modern day chain letter where I answer 5 set questions and then pass it on to other bloggers.

Who/What encouraged you to start blogging?

I started my blog because I wanted to share my projects with a wider audience and its a bit like my crafting diary. Before I started my DT work I used to participate in craft challenges as this gave me a bit of direction and I liked the challenge a lot of the time this required me to like up to their blog.

How did you choose what to blog about?

I have been making scrapbook layouts since I was in college and I only just recently learned how to create a blog to share my layouts on. back in the early 00s social media wasn't as popular as It is now and the only way of getting inspiration for my projects was through buying magazines. now we visit each others blogs and social media sites, so I decided to share my ideas and founded my blog in May last year. wow its been 12 months already I honestly didn't think I would stick with it this long.

What is something most people don`t know about you?

I  hate to talk about myself and would rather learn about other people.  I was always a quiet person and didn't socialise much until I joined the Millennium Volunteer group and did voluntary work for them. I joined In 2005 and worked with them for a year before I had to give it up to complete my degree.  I studied a BA Hons in Tourism Business Management and learned all sorts of subjects other then tourism. I passed with a 2:2 and It wasn't until I had finished that I was a bit lost as I was used to studying for exams and completing assignments. so that's when I started putting my photos in to scrapbook.

What three words describe your style?

Honest this one gets me in trouble sometimes,  Problem Solver , Creative

What do you love to do when you are not blogging?

when I am not blogging I am busy creating projects but when I am not crafting I like to watch movies. I like action films and Sifi.

i tag

Leslie @
Sarah Douglas @
Sarah Jackman Read
Heather Mitchell


  1. Hi Katie, so glad you started your blog - it's definitely a great crafting blog to follow! Had no idea you had a tourism degree! Jill

  2. Thanks so much Katie. I will get working on my answers to these questions.

  3. Loved learning more about you. It's amazing how blogging opens up a whole world and like you, I didn't think I'd stick with my blog. Who knew?!! I like some sci-fi too!
