Hello all
I have a new mixed media art journal layout to share with you. I have gone for a space theme so three guess which Sci Fi movie this is a nod too.
The background is painted black first and then i blended in blue tones. Then i added a bit of magenta to the edges to make it look a bit more like space. I then added SprinkleIt to the center of the pages, this stuff is great as it adds a crunchy texture and it shimmers. I finished off the background by flicking white paint over the top so it looks like stars.
The images have been coloured in with marker pens.
Thank you for visiting
Products used
Hellgnomes's Death Digis Dead Spaceman
Hellgnome's Death Digis Rocket & Meteor
Colourcraft C&A SprinkleIt
The Blank Page Muse Crab Sealife Rubber Stamp
Decoart Black Gesso
DecoArt Premium Acrylics
Marker pens
A6 Field Journal